On the 19th October 2020 we opened Wolvden to the public. Today we're celebrating our 3 year anniversary.
It's been another great year and we're happy to celebrate what we've released, and what's coming next!
The Rundown
As we'll be covering a significant amount of content in this news post, we've broken it down into sections so you can quickly scan through to find what you'd like to read first.
Looking Back - an overview of updates and new features we've had over the past year. Looking Forward - plans for the future and what we have in store! The Meat - all of the stuff in today's massive update! Anniversary Gift - a bundle you can claim! Anniversary Raffles - special raffles in honour of today! Thank You - as always, we must extend our thanks to all of you.
Looking Back
This year has been a bit slower, focusing mainly on trying to nail down pesky bugs and working on background processes, but we still have had some fun updates!
Below are links to all the development updates we've had in the last year, including the full month events, with links to their respective news posts:
We've achieved a fair amount - and we still have much more planned...
Looking Forward
For the past few years we've posted big lists of features we had planned for the year - some we've achieved, some we haven't - but they'll be added to the list for the coming year!
Halloween Completion. We will complete the Halloween event with its storyline next year!
Event 5. We have our fifth full event planned for release in 2024.
Event 6. We have our sixth full event planned for release in 2024.
Event 7. We have our seventh full event planned for release -hopefully- in 2024, but perhaps 2025.
Mini games. We didn't manage to release any this year, sadly, but we'll definitely be aiming to release one very soon (see below) and one or two more in 2024!
Nesting Pose. Announced previously, but it's still in the works - we're aiming for Q4 2023!
Mutation and Variant. We are planning both a full body mutation and a variant for 2024.
Karma. We need to have a talk about Karma with you - we've seen the highly supported suggestion topics and want to get your ideas on how Karma should be integrated, but we are still committed to introducing this aspect to the game.
A new spice to Hunting! I wonder what it will be?!
A focus on Quality of Life updates. Make sure to upvote your favourite QoL suggestions - or make your own if your idea hasn't been suggested yet! We will be focusing more on making the gameplay smoother in the coming months.
Coming Soon: Code Breaker Minigame
We are currently developing a simple minigame which is a remake of a childhood favourite - Mastermind. We hope to be launching this in the next two weeks.
High scores in the game will reward a new item - Aniseed - amongst other prizes. This item will increase the chance of the appearance of wolves in explore to claim or battle for a limited time.
Coming Soon: Explore Expansion
A big explore expansion is coming very soon - we're adding nearly as many new encounters and new enemies as Wolvden launched with! Your experience should double. ;D
The Meat
The main updates for this year's anniversary news post is primarily quality of life improvements as well as a LOT of new markings - including some combo markings! We also have a new mutation coming VERY soon - read on to find out more.
Mass Chase
Pack Overview has a new sub-page: Manage Pack. From here you can easily manage your wolves' roles, and you can mass-chase them from your pack.
Quality of Life Improvements
Based on some suggestions from our community, as well as from the admins and moderators on the game, we have worked on some quality of life tweaks and added those today:
Wolves & Den
* Added an "Elder" stage-of-life tag to wolves that are 7 years and 3 months or older. This will display in place of where it would usually say "Adult".
* Added battle statistics to lead wolves - you can now view how many battles your lead wolf has participated in, and how many they've won! Statistics only start from today as we did not store historical data for this.
* We have added footnote icons - Herbalist, Scout, and Pupsitter role icons, and Friendly, Stoic, Romantic, and Aggressive personality icons.
* Caves now have descriptions and can take basic HTML similar to a wolf's biography.
* The notification that states your wolf may leave due to neglect has been updated to state 'Make sure to feed and play with her!' to avoid confusion with the new Socializing feature.
* "Birth" notifications will now list the mother that gave birth (as well as a link to her page), and list (complete with links) each puppy born in the litter.
* You can now Send Away a wolf instead of chasing it. This will have the same end result as Chasing - except that the wolf will not go into the chased pool, and so cannot be found in explore by other players. Additionally, it costs 5% energy to send a wolf away. Please remember Sending Away and Chasing are both permanent options - you won't be able to retrieve your wolf again!
* As the Send Away option has been added, the chance of an adult wolf going into the chased pool when Chased has been increased significantly.
* Wolves without any illness now fully restore HP on rollover.
Hoard, Items, & Shops
* Mass Salvage button is now yellow.
* Medicine stock list on the Herbalist page now contains all medicines even if your stock is 0 - to show what is missing.
* Raccoon Wares now has a handy little option available below the Trade In section: Sell All Rotting Items. In one swift click you will be able to sell all your rotting carcasses at once. This button only appears if you have at least one carcass that is due to rot fully at the next rollover.
* The equipper now has a handy 'Show Wolf as Adult' checkbox for your puppies, so you can preview how decors will look as your wolf ages up!
* Melvin's Missions can now be refreshed for 20 SC (this is only available if you haven't completed any missions that day).
* The Hunting Trophy quest has now been moved into the Difficult category only, and will only request 1 rather than 2. This will affect new quests taken after this news post, and will not affect existing quests.
* All travelers will now enter their host's pack with a 24 hour cooldown before they can be recalled. The timer is in real time, not rollovers, and means that players that host travelers will be able to hold onto them a little longer before they can be recalled.
* There are all two new options to set for owners when managing their travelers. You can now disable hosts from editing the traveler's bio, and prevent them from equipping or editing decor on wolves.
* We have added a leaderboard for Most Battles Won and Best Win Rate.
* A "Supported" and "Not Supported" badge on the Game Development board has been added, so you can easily view whether you have given your vote to a suggestion.
* We have reduced the notifications that are received by the reporter of a bug report and anyone who upvotes it.
* The dynasty will now include notifications in your Daily Rollover Summary for wolves that are due to have their records expire in the dynasty.
* The socializing cooldown has been added to the cooldowns page.
* The number of acorns you have in your hoard now displays in explore when a button to offer an acorn appears.
New Mutation
Those of you with a keen eye will have spotted our Sirenomelia teaser in the October event post - we are launching this mutation on the 27th October!
New Marking Colours
New marking colours have been added! You can expand the Spoilers to see the full list!
Aspen Back - Common
Back Half Patch - Common
Back Heavy Patch - Common
Back Patch - Common
Blaze - Common
Bottoms - Common
Cape - Common
Cape Ticking - Common
Carnage - Custom
Cheek Fluff - Custom
Dilution - Common
Ear Tips- Custom
Elbow Patch - Common
Elbows - Common
Eyebrows- Custom
Gentle Unders- Custom
Grizzle - Common
Half Cape - Common
Half Cape Ticking - Common
Half Socks - Custom
Heavy Husky - Custom
Highlights - Custom
Inner Ear - Custom
Inuit Unders - RMA
Inverted Agouti - Common
Inverted Cross - Custom
Inverted Manicou - NBW exclusive
Inverted Opossum - NBW exclusive
Inverted Panda - Raffle
Irish - Common
Light Husky - Custom
Limbs - Custom
Low Bottoms - Common
Lupos - Raffle
Marbled Unders - Custom
Medium Husky - Custom
Muzzle - Custom
Muzzle Patch - Custom
Neck - Common
Neck Band - Common
Patchy Unders - Custom
Paws - Custom
Points - NBW exclusive
Predator - Custom
Sallander - NBW exclusive
Shoulder Patch - Common
Socks - Custom
Spectacles - Custom
Tamaskan Unders - RMA exclusive
Throat - Common
Throat Patch - Common
Toes - Custom
Trim - Custom
Tuxedo - Custom
Underbelly - Common
Undercoat - Custom
Underfur - Common
Unders - Common
Undersides - Common
Urajiro - CustomCedar Agouti - Common
Back - Common
Back Half Patch - Common
Back Heavy Patch - Common
Back Patch - Common
Blaze- - Common
Bottoms - Common
Cape - Common
Cape Ticking - Common
Carnage - Custom
Cheek Fluff - Custom
Chest - Common
Cover - Custom
Dilution - Common
Dorsal - Common
Ear Tips - Custom
Elbow Patch - Common
Elbows - Common
Eyebrows - Custom
Gentle Unders - Custom
Grizzle - Common
Half Cape - Common
Half Cape Ticking - Common
Half Socks - Custom
Heavy Husky - Custom
Highlights - Custom
Inner Ear - Custom
Inuit Unders - RMA exclusive
Inverted Agouti - Common
Inverted Cross - Custom
Inverted Panda
Irish - Common
Light Husky - Custom
Limbs - Custom
Low Bottoms - Common
Lupos - Raffle
Mantle - Common
Marbled Unders - Custom
Medium Husky - Custom
Muzzle Patch - Custom
Neck - Common
Neck Band - Common
Nose Line - Common
Patchy Unders - Custom
Paws - Custom
Points - NBW exclusive
Predator - Custom
Sallander - NBW exclusive
Shoulder Patch - Common
Snout - Custom
Socks - Custom
Spectacles - Custom
Tail Tip - Common
Tamaskan Unders - RMA exclusive
Throat - Common
Throat Patch - Common
Toes - Custom
Trim - Custom
Tuxedo - Custom
Underbelly - Common
Undercoat - Custom
Underfur - Common
Unders - Common
Undersides - Common
Urajiro - CustomGold Agouti - Common
Bottoms - Common
Butcher - Custom
Carnage - Custom
Chest - Common
Cougar - Raffle
Cover - Custom
Cross - Custom
Dilution - Common
Elbows - Common
Full Mask - Common
Gentle Unders - Custom
Grizzle - Common
Half Mask - Common
Heavy Husky - Custom
Highlights - Custom
Inuit Unders - RMA exclusive
Inverted Agouti - Common
Inverted Cross - Custom
Irish - Common
Light Husky - Custom
Limbs - Custom
Low Bottoms - Common
Lupos - Raffle
Mask - Common
Medium Husky - Custom
Muzzle Patch - Custom
Neck Band - Common
Patchy Unders - Custom
Paws - Custom
Points - NBW exclusive
Predator - Custom
Rump Patch - Custom
Sallander - NBW exclusive
Shaded - NBW exclusive
Shoulders - Common
Shoulder Patch - Common
Snout - Custom
Socks - Custom
Stained Limbs - Custom
Tamaskan Unders - RMA exclusive
Throat Patch - Common
Toes - Custom
Trim - Custom
Tuxedo - Custom
Underbelly - Common
Undercoat - Custom
Underfur - Common
Unders - Common
Undersides - Common
Urajiro - Custom
Wings - Raffle
Wings Heavy - Raffle
Wings Scarce - RaffleNote: Raffle markings will be released with Raffle Studs and won't be available in RMAs/Total Shuffles until winners have been pulled!
New Combo Markings
New combo markings have been added! What are combo markings? Currently, you can breed a Black Agouti and Red Agouti in same slot to have a chance of getting Auburn Agouti, for example. We're adding four new combinations!
Cocoa (Black x Cream) Back
Back Half Patch
Back Heavy Patch
Back Patch
Cape Ticking
Cheek Fluff
Elbow Patch
Half Cape
Half Cape Ticking
Inuit Unders
Inverted Cross
Muzzle Patch
Neck Band
Patchy Unders
Shoulder Patch
Throat Patch
UndersRufous (Red x Dark Brown) Agouti
Back Edge Patch
Half Dorsal
Half Mask
Inverted Cross
Smudge Heavy
Wings Heavy
Wings Scarce
WraithSaffron (Beige x Yellow) Back Half Patch
Back Heavy Patch
Back Patch
Ear Tips
Gentle Unders
Half Cape
Half Socks
Heavy Husky
Inuit Unders
Inverted Panda
Light Husky
Low Bottoms
Marbled Unders
Medium Husky
Neck Band
Patchy Unders
Tamaskan Unders
UndersidesShedua (Honey x Black) Agouti
Back Edge Patch
Back Half Patch
Back Heavy Patch
Back Patch
Half Cape
Half Dorsal
Inuit Unders
Inverted Cross
Patchy Unders
Throat Patch
Wings Heavy
Wings Scarce
A total of 301 new markings have been added today! Woo!
Anniversary Gift
We are releasing an Anniversary Bundle with some special Anniversary items which will be available to collect from today, the 19th October 2023 up until the 23rd October 2023. It will be one bundle per member, and the items will be bound to your account. The place to collect this will be on the main News page!
- Anniversary! Festive Waterfall
- Anniversary! Festive Spats
- Anniversary! Festive Garters
- Anniversary! Festive Fascinator
- Anniversary! Festive Choker
- Anniversary! Festive Tail Bow
- Anniversary! Festive Confetti [Blue and Pink]
Anniversary Raffles!
We're launching a handful of special raffles for the Anniversary celebrations!
We want to take a moment to express our appreciation to each and every individual who contributes tirelessly to the success and vibrancy of the game. From the creative minds of our artists and the technical expertise of our developers, to the diligent administrators and ever-watchful moderators, each one of you plays a pivotal role.
And, let's not forget the heart of our game — our players. Year after year, your passion, feedback, and continuous engagement have shaped the game's journey. It's an honor to witness the dedication and camaraderie that this community consistently brings forth.
We are truly blessed to be a part of such a remarkable team and community, and we eagerly look forward to the many adventures that lie ahead with all of you by our side.