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Item Catalogue

White Primal Pelt
Thick fur, long tail and large, bear-like paws are a great adaptation to living in the most harsh environments there are.
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration
White Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 6 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
228 exist in game
White Scythe
A brilliant white scythe. It's reminiscent of a crescent moon.
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration
White Skeletal Fur
Spooky skeleton fur pattern for your dark-colored or melanistic wolf.
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration
White Spruce Cones [Pile]
Pine cones are piled on the ground.
0 exist in game
White Spruce Cones [Scattered]
Pine cones are scattered on the ground.
0 exist in game
White wings
White swan wings.
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration
White-Tailed Hawk
This Hawk must have some sort of connection with your wolf, they are very friendly towards them and seem to like the packs company as well.
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration
White-Throated Magpie-Jay
A large and flashy Jay from Central America. It dwells in many habitats.
0 exist in game
White-Winged Dove
If not able to live in the forest, this dove prefers vicinity of Saguaro Cacti, which is a perfect source of water in the harsh environment.
0 exist in game
Whitetail Antlers
A beautiful intact pair of antlers.
0 exist in game
Whitetail Antlers - Decor
A fine rack to adorn your wolf's head.
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Whitetail Antlers (dark) - Decor
A fine dark rack to adorn your wolf's head.
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Whitetail Carcass
One of the most delicious animals in the world.
34 exist in game
Wiggly Worm (Orange)
Oh! Whats this on the ground? Eh, gonna wear it anyways...
0 exist in game
Custom Decoration